The Norwalk Partnership

The Norwalk Partnership brings community members and organizations together to prevent substance misuse among youth and young adults by addressing local conditions.

Our Vision for Norwalk Youth

Young people in Norwalk, CT thrive in a community that supports mental wellness and safe, healthy behaviors without using substances. To this end, The Norwalk Partnership (TNP) brings together community agencies, schools, and parent leaders to gather data, develop strategies, and provide education and resources that support our youth and families.

We use proven strategies from prevention science, and we bring them down to the community level so everyone can participate. In our monthly meetings, we build the ability of our community members to help identify and discuss local issues, provide insight into local conditions, and help plan and implement strategies.

History & Funding

During late summer of 2020, The Norwalk Partnership was created by uniting two previous prevention groups: the Community Prevention Task Force, managed by the Human Services Council (HSC), and the Partnership, managed by Positive Directions – The Center for Prevention and Counseling. TNP was launched with the first coalition meeting in September 2020.

In merging these efforts, Positive Directions and HSC recognized that prevention work can best be done together. Both agencies continue to serve as fiduciaries for this work:

Both agencies provide staff time to support the prevention work of the coalition.

About The Norwalk Partnership

Established in September 2020, The Norwalk Partnership (TNP) emerged after securing the federal Drug-Free Communities (DFC) grant in December 2019. This grant enabled us to establish a coalition focused on preventing substance misuse. At TNP, we leverage proven prevention science strategies, making them accessible to everyone in our community. Through monthly meetings and collaborative efforts, we empower community members to identify local issues, discuss solutions, and implement evidence-based strategies.

Visit the Norwalk Partnership website
Drug Abuse Hotline.
Call 1-800-563-4086, 24 hours a day


  • Community events

  • Teacher training
  • Student education programs
  • Local community liaisons and relationship building

Our Impact

backpacks given
Family Day Events
Movie screening- "The Anonymous People"
tobacco prevention interventions

If you suspect child abuse or neglect in someone you know, please call now.

Connecticut Department of Children and Families

24 hours a day / 7 days a week
